No, I did not participate in the cardboard city (pretend you're homeless for a night) but I did help to make some furniture for a box. A guy down the hall from me was like "Hey, since you want to do all this artsy stuff (I was making a paper cathedral for Anthropology Society) you should make my chair better." I was like "Ok, get me cardboard boxes and I will."
The original concept was a simple design but the guys had put a corner of the cardboard box where the corner of the seat was (thus increasing the risk that this is where the chair would break as there was a manufactured weakness there) consequently that was also where they put there bum. They say in it and down they went bending the chair inside itself like a cheap lawn chair. Oh boys when will you learn! ;)
So I spent a couple of hours steaming, soaking, duck-taping and cutting to get a working chair. I was actually pretty proud that I drew out a plan for it and then could figure out how to get it like I had planned it. Keep in mind I'm a psychology and anthropology major, so not engineering!
I designed it after natural shapes and kept the triangle in mind. Natural shapes because, well, if they work in nature they probably have something in them that is good. Triangles because they are the strongest simple shape and could help redistribute the weight of a body sitting in it.
Why yes, it does hold a person! By the way it's designed to have the curve in the butt. It also has a curve where the knees would be.
The today I was trying to make a phone call in the stairway and got distracted by a flock of birds. Honestly I've seen these birds before but never payed much attention to them because they don't look pretty. They also blend in really well with the tree which made taking their picture super hard (ugh, ipod camera problems).
They actually are pretty. They have a black bandit bandanna across there eyes (shh, they might be super heroes), with an orange dot on the bottom of each wing, and a yellow stripe separating the last third of their tail. The males have a "bump" in their hair like cardinals do, which makes me wonder if they might be related to cardinals.
I like the picture above, it was like they posed for the picture. Really they are quite simple birds but kind of pretty.
Stay tuned I should be loading a picture of me with the President of the University some time soon (I'm the speakers chair which means that I host professionals when they come in to talk to the RSO I'm in.) Yay!
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